A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical energy is known as a steam power station. A steam power station basically works on t…
A n earth-fault usually involves a partial breakdown of winding insulation to earth. The resulting l eakage current is considerably less than the short-circuit current…
Buchholz relay is a gas-actuated relay installed in oil immersed transformers for protection against all kinds of faults. Named after its inventor, Buchholz, it is used…
The core-balance protection described above suffers from the drawback that it cannot provide protection against overloads. If a fault or leakage occurs between phases,…
The most important precautions must be taken to never open the secondary circuit of current transformer (C.T.) while current following in the primary circuit. Opening of…
A current transformer (C.T.) is used to measure high alternating current in a power system. The primary of the transformer has a few turns of thick wire where as the sec…
OPERATION THEORY An automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is a electronic device for automatically maintaining generator output terminal voltage at a set value under varying…
A potential transformer (P.T.) is used to measure high alternating potential difference (Voltage) in a Power system. The primary of this transformer has many turns while…
Automatic Voltage Regulator The automatic voltage regulator is used to regulate the voltage. It takes the fluctuate voltage and changes them into a constant voltage. The…
Transformer On Load Condition When the transformer is on the loaded condition, the secondary of the transformer is connected to load. The load can be resistive, inductiv…
Transformer on No Load Condition When the transformer is operating at no load, the secondary winding is open-circuited, which means there is no load on the secondary sid…
On-Load Tap-Changing Transformer Definition: The Transformer which is not disconnected from the main supply when the tap setting is to be changed such type of transform…
Air Break Switch Definition: The switch whose contacts open in the air and quenching of an arc achieves by compressed air, such type of switch is called an air break sw…
What is Air Circuit Breaker? These breaker employ a high pressure air blast and air quenching medium. The contact are opened in a flow of air blast est…
International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology 1. Re co gni zi ng th e fu nd am en ta l ro le of sc ie nc e an d te chn ol ogy in th e so ci o- …
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